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Gaming the Classroom!

Lee Sheldon assistant professor of telecommunications at Indiana University format his multiplayer-game design course as a multiplayer-game, which increased significantly students level of engagement. According to Sheldon his students are "the gamer generation, they are the social-networking generation, so this class is couched in the terms that they understand." Lee Sheldon’s grading scheme is based on game scoring system; Experience Points, as in the World of Warcraft. I love the idea!
More info via: Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning

I have recently found an interesting contribution from Worcraft community regarding educational aspects of gaming on line: Gettin' Good Gear: Play, Pedagogy, and Engagement in World of Warcraft

Gaming Can Make a Better World

Jane McGonigal on TED: “Instead of providing gamers with better and more immersive alternatives to reality, I want all of us to be become responsible for providing the world with a better and more immersive reality.” via: